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Interface in Java – Tutorial

Interface in java provide a way to achieve abstraction. Java interface is also used to define the contract for the subclasses to implement. For example, let’s say we want to create a drawing consists of multiple shapes. Here we can create an interface Shape and define all the methods that different types of Shape objects will implement. For simplicity purpose, we can keep only two methods – draw() to draw the shape and getArea() that will return the area of the shape.

Java Interface Example

Based on above requirements, our Shape interface will look like this.


public interface Shape {

    //implicitly public, static and final
    public String LABLE="Shape";
    //interface methods are implicitly abstract and public
    void draw();
    double getArea();

Important Points about Interface in Java

  • interface is the code that is used to create an interface in java.
  • We can’t instantiate an interface in java.
  • Interface provides absolute abstraction, in last post we learned about abstract classes in java to provide abstraction but abstract classes can have method implementations but interface can’t.
  • Interfaces can’t have constructors because we can’t instantiate them and interfaces can’t have a method with body.
  • By default any attribute of interface is public, static and final, so we don’t need to provide access modifiers to the attributes but if we do, compiler doesn’t complain about it either.
  • By default interface methods are implicitly abstract and public, it makes total sense because the method don’t have body and so that subclasses can provide the method implementation.
  • An interface can’t extend any class but it can extend another interface. public interface Shape extends Cloneable{} is an example of an interface extending another interface. Actually java provides multiple inheritance in interfaces, what is means is that an interface can extend multiple interfaces.
  • implements keyword is used by classes to implement an interface.
  • A class implementing an interface must provide implementation for all of its method unless it’s an abstract class. For example, we can implement above interface in abstract class like this:


public abstract class ShapeAbs implements Shape {

    public double getArea() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;


We should always try to write programs in terms of interfaces rather than implementations so that we know beforehand that implementation classes will always provide the implementation and in future if any better implementation arrives, we can switch to that easily.

Java Interface Implementation Example

Now lets see some implementation of our Shape interface in java.


public class Circle implements Shape {

    private double radius;

    public Circle(double r){
        this.radius = r;
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing Circle");
    public double getArea(){
        return Math.PI*this.radius*this.radius;

    public double getRadius(){
        return this.radius;

Notice that Circle class has implemented all the methods defined in the interface and it has some of its own methods also like getRadius(). The interface implementations can have multiple type of constructors. Lets see another interface implementation for Shape interface.


public class Rectangle implements Shape {

    private double width;
    private double height;
    public Rectangle(double w, double h){
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing Rectangle");

    public double getArea() {
        return this.height*this.width;


Notice the use of override annotation, learn about annotations in java and why we should always use override annotation when overriding a method in java. Here is a test program showing how to code in terms of interfaces and not implementations.


public class ShapeTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //programming for interfaces not implementation
        Shape shape = new Circle(10);
        //switching from one implementation to another easily
        shape=new Rectangle(10,10);


Output of the above java interface example program is:

  • Drawing Circle
  • Area=314.1592653589793
  • Drawing Rectangle
  • Area=100.0

Java Interface Benefits

  • Interface provides a contract for all the implementation classes, so its good to code in terms of interfaces because implementation classes can’t remove the methods we are using.
  • Interfaces are good for starting point to define Type and create top level hierarchy in our code.
  • Since a java class can implements multiple interfaces, it’s better to use interfaces as super class in most of the cases.

Java Interface Disadvantages

  • Although interfaces provide a lot of advantages but it has some disadvantages too.
  • We need to chose interface methods very carefully at the time of designing our project because we can’t add of remove any methods from the interface at later point of time, it will lead compilation error for all the implementation classes. Sometimes this leads to have a lot of interfaces extending the base interface in our code that becomes hard to maintain.
  • If the implementation classes has its own methods, we can’t use them directly in our code because the type of Object is an interface that doesn’t have those methods. For example, in above code we will get compilation error for code shape.getRadius(). To overcome this, we can use typecasting and use the method like this:

Circle c = (Circle) shape;

Although class typecasting has its own disadvantages.

Thats all I have for interface in java. Since we use java interface a lot, we should be aware of its features. Make sure you use interfaces in designing the system and as a contract between the client and the subclasses implementing the interfaces. Update: Java 8 has changed the definition of interfaces with the introduction of default methods and static methods implementation.

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